by Courtney
Wilson Long on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 1:23pm ·
It was 4/26/2002 and I was pulling
in the parking lot of the Holiday Inn to drop someone off because I was camping
of course, who does an Oak Mtn. run and doesn't camp, and someone gave me what
I thought was a flier. I put it on my dashboard and pulled away. I noticed the
reflection in my window and it was a black & white picture of Mikey with
the words "Don't Stop the Train." (I still have this picture) This
picture would set the tone for the future of this band.
I was with many close friends and family but it was as if I was all alone. What had happened, why were we all here, was this really the end? My emotions were running rampant. I had to be alone in my mind to savor every minute of what would probably be the last 3 day run I would ever do with the band that I fell in love with, and Michael Houser's namesake, WIDESPREAD PANIC. There are no words that describe what this band means to me. Their music has allowed me to find myself to discover realities and truths about life that I would never have known had I not listened, really listened. Death is a part of life, and this weekend would tell an AMAZING story. Each night with a different plot!!
The energy surrounding Oak Mountain Amphitheatre during these 3 days was quite amazing, somewhat surreal. There was such a wide variety of people attending these shows. Some who were catching Widespread Panic for the first time, some who were just there for the party, and then those who knew the significance of what was about to take place: A TRUE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY. JB was my preacher, the venue was my church, the fans were the congregation, and the music was my sermon. It was like a revival.
4/26/02 is especially significant for me because I love full moons and Robert Randolph sat in on pedal steel. Aof D opener into Cream Puff War.............Are you kidding me? This was just the beginning of what would turn out to be one of the most special nights of my life. This was a first time for me – I heard the intro to Werewolves of London – WAHOOOOOOOOO- on a night when the sky was clear and the moon was full – it doesn't get any better than this. Dave had us all in the zone.
Then it turned "a little scared." Me & the devil blues with RR was unlike very little I have ever experienced because I truly felt like "me and the devil we were walking side by side". I was angry, sad, mad, happy, excited. Dammit, Why Lord WHY? You could feel the grief, sadness, and joy that encompassed this venue. But, we were all one people, in one place, experiencing this one very special time. The chemistry surrounding me was insanely intense. It was better than any drug I have ever done. "I didn't see you right next to me, but I'm so glad you could make it, with you by my side I might get back alive for my next vacation." You could feel JB's emotion if you listened to his voice and he was very emotional. It was such an inspiration for me to see these men handle such a vulnerable situation with such integrity. We needed them. They needed us. We were one big happy family trying to figure out where we were going next...... then I was "wasted and I can't find my way home." It was over. One of the best shows I have ever seen, emotion I have rarely experienced and a whole lot to process. But, who had time for that................"there's a party goin on and many spirits strong." Back to the campground for a celebration and we still had two nights to go. WOOHOO!!!
4/27/02 was great. Reality had set in and JB said it best "I'm not alone I'm just blue". The emotional journey continued and the spiritual ride just got better. I was so grateful to have experienced The Swing Low Sweet Chariot rap in the middle of Good Morning Little School Girl.............At this point in time, something way bigger than me had taken control and my soul was being fed. They could have "used me baby til you use me up". I could go all night long. I had so many questions and few of them answered. I was smiling, laughing, and crying all at the same time. It was time for the encore and everyone was anxiously waiting. "Help me Somebody......Please.........Help me Somebody". Every member of this band was singing this song in unison. They, in that very moment, exposed just how vulnerable there really were and JB starts singing "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound." I got chills going up and down my spine, on my arms, head, legs, and feet. It was truly an experience of a lifetime. I knew for sure I had just been to church and God was present. Then, "Pretty soon I met a friend; lord he played guitar; we'd sit on the steps at school and talk about bein a star; we STARTED A BAND................LORD WE PLAYED ALL NIGHT." THERE ARE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE THIS MOMENT. What a phenomenal way to describe how they were feeling and in return telling us, the fans, "oh friends of mine don't be denied." It all had such incredible meaning. And, I didn't take a second of it for granted. I became enthralled by what I was experiencing. It was as if there was no one else around me. It was me, this band, and the spirit of what this band exudes. What a night!!!
Did it rain? I didn't even notice. God knew the hippies needed a bath.
4/28/2002 – I knew this was it. This was the final hoorah. This was my final show with Mikey and I was ready. I was ready to open my soul, my heart, and my mind or should I say HAVE MY MIND BLOWN! "Let's get down to business shall we". What a way to begin the last show of this run because I CAME TO GET DOWN!! WOW...........I just got chills!! .............."high, high, high how high can you go". You guys have no idea how high you have made me. "Trouble, trouble set me free, I have seen your face and you're too much too much for me." You have no idea how many times I have listened to this version of this song to help me in my own life and with my own problems. "You know it seems that I still don't know you well; so many faces I have seen." I've seen a lot of faces some good and some not. But, overall I would be nothing without this band. "and if you're wonderin what I think of it all................just read the back of THIS POSTCARD!!" Can't you hear Mikey's guitar!! What a memorable way to end the most special weekend in my life as a fan of WIDESPREAD PANIC!!!
I have experienced God in His truest form only 5 times in my life. The first two are the births of my two incredible daughters, Kayley and Carlan. The other 3, well – 4/26/02, 4/27/02, and 4/28/02. And, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Other than my children, Widespread Panic has been the only constant in my life for over a decade and my first three shows I was pregnant with my first child. I was sober as a judge and my love affair began with Widespread Panic – 5/1/1998.
I know this is deep. I am a deep thinker. However, if you will recall the flier at the beginning -"Don't Stop the Train" - this train hasn't stopped. This band is still going strong 8 years later. They are still making music and drawing crowds in record numbers. They never stopped and for that we are incredibly grateful. Thank you Jimmy Herring for keeping alive such an AMAZING legacy.........Michael Nathan Houser – January 6, 1962 – August 10, 2002.
"And the band played on......................"

I was with many close friends and family but it was as if I was all alone. What had happened, why were we all here, was this really the end? My emotions were running rampant. I had to be alone in my mind to savor every minute of what would probably be the last 3 day run I would ever do with the band that I fell in love with, and Michael Houser's namesake, WIDESPREAD PANIC. There are no words that describe what this band means to me. Their music has allowed me to find myself to discover realities and truths about life that I would never have known had I not listened, really listened. Death is a part of life, and this weekend would tell an AMAZING story. Each night with a different plot!!
The energy surrounding Oak Mountain Amphitheatre during these 3 days was quite amazing, somewhat surreal. There was such a wide variety of people attending these shows. Some who were catching Widespread Panic for the first time, some who were just there for the party, and then those who knew the significance of what was about to take place: A TRUE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY. JB was my preacher, the venue was my church, the fans were the congregation, and the music was my sermon. It was like a revival.
4/26/02 is especially significant for me because I love full moons and Robert Randolph sat in on pedal steel. Aof D opener into Cream Puff War.............Are you kidding me? This was just the beginning of what would turn out to be one of the most special nights of my life. This was a first time for me – I heard the intro to Werewolves of London – WAHOOOOOOOOO- on a night when the sky was clear and the moon was full – it doesn't get any better than this. Dave had us all in the zone.
Then it turned "a little scared." Me & the devil blues with RR was unlike very little I have ever experienced because I truly felt like "me and the devil we were walking side by side". I was angry, sad, mad, happy, excited. Dammit, Why Lord WHY? You could feel the grief, sadness, and joy that encompassed this venue. But, we were all one people, in one place, experiencing this one very special time. The chemistry surrounding me was insanely intense. It was better than any drug I have ever done. "I didn't see you right next to me, but I'm so glad you could make it, with you by my side I might get back alive for my next vacation." You could feel JB's emotion if you listened to his voice and he was very emotional. It was such an inspiration for me to see these men handle such a vulnerable situation with such integrity. We needed them. They needed us. We were one big happy family trying to figure out where we were going next...... then I was "wasted and I can't find my way home." It was over. One of the best shows I have ever seen, emotion I have rarely experienced and a whole lot to process. But, who had time for that................"there's a party goin on and many spirits strong." Back to the campground for a celebration and we still had two nights to go. WOOHOO!!!
4/27/02 was great. Reality had set in and JB said it best "I'm not alone I'm just blue". The emotional journey continued and the spiritual ride just got better. I was so grateful to have experienced The Swing Low Sweet Chariot rap in the middle of Good Morning Little School Girl.............At this point in time, something way bigger than me had taken control and my soul was being fed. They could have "used me baby til you use me up". I could go all night long. I had so many questions and few of them answered. I was smiling, laughing, and crying all at the same time. It was time for the encore and everyone was anxiously waiting. "Help me Somebody......Please.........Help me Somebody". Every member of this band was singing this song in unison. They, in that very moment, exposed just how vulnerable there really were and JB starts singing "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound." I got chills going up and down my spine, on my arms, head, legs, and feet. It was truly an experience of a lifetime. I knew for sure I had just been to church and God was present. Then, "Pretty soon I met a friend; lord he played guitar; we'd sit on the steps at school and talk about bein a star; we STARTED A BAND................LORD WE PLAYED ALL NIGHT." THERE ARE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE THIS MOMENT. What a phenomenal way to describe how they were feeling and in return telling us, the fans, "oh friends of mine don't be denied." It all had such incredible meaning. And, I didn't take a second of it for granted. I became enthralled by what I was experiencing. It was as if there was no one else around me. It was me, this band, and the spirit of what this band exudes. What a night!!!
Did it rain? I didn't even notice. God knew the hippies needed a bath.
4/28/2002 – I knew this was it. This was the final hoorah. This was my final show with Mikey and I was ready. I was ready to open my soul, my heart, and my mind or should I say HAVE MY MIND BLOWN! "Let's get down to business shall we". What a way to begin the last show of this run because I CAME TO GET DOWN!! WOW...........I just got chills!! .............."high, high, high how high can you go". You guys have no idea how high you have made me. "Trouble, trouble set me free, I have seen your face and you're too much too much for me." You have no idea how many times I have listened to this version of this song to help me in my own life and with my own problems. "You know it seems that I still don't know you well; so many faces I have seen." I've seen a lot of faces some good and some not. But, overall I would be nothing without this band. "and if you're wonderin what I think of it all................just read the back of THIS POSTCARD!!" Can't you hear Mikey's guitar!! What a memorable way to end the most special weekend in my life as a fan of WIDESPREAD PANIC!!!
I have experienced God in His truest form only 5 times in my life. The first two are the births of my two incredible daughters, Kayley and Carlan. The other 3, well – 4/26/02, 4/27/02, and 4/28/02. And, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Other than my children, Widespread Panic has been the only constant in my life for over a decade and my first three shows I was pregnant with my first child. I was sober as a judge and my love affair began with Widespread Panic – 5/1/1998.
I know this is deep. I am a deep thinker. However, if you will recall the flier at the beginning -"Don't Stop the Train" - this train hasn't stopped. This band is still going strong 8 years later. They are still making music and drawing crowds in record numbers. They never stopped and for that we are incredibly grateful. Thank you Jimmy Herring for keeping alive such an AMAZING legacy.........Michael Nathan Houser – January 6, 1962 – August 10, 2002.
"And the band played on......................"
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